
WearPatch WearPatch eradicates fashion waste, by transforming this into desired clothing, with closing the loo The design will be based on your needs and preferences.

You are invited to join us in the development process of the most favorite sweatpants. These pants will be made from reused hoodies collected from all over the Netherlands and patched together. We will only use the best hoodies suitable for your sweatpants to keep your legs comfy and warm. We’ll just be here to collect all your input and make sure we answer your desires. ;)

If you decide to help

us, you as a 'Patcher' will belong to a small group of influential users who will have a significant amount of influence on the final design of the sweatpants. Together with you we want to radically change the way fashion is being designed today and are not sheepish about it. If you like our page you will be one of the first to know where you can purchase your very own Patch sweatpants. And last but not least, you will gain some Karma-points by contributing to a social and environmentally beneficial project!

• Have influence on the final design
• Help change the fashion industry
• Be the first to purchase
• Gain karma-points




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