


Is it a contravention of human rights and environmental law to establish a 5G network in Denmark? May 4, 2019 A Legal op...

Is it a contravention of human rights and environmental law to establish a 5G network in Denmark?

May 4, 2019

A Legal opinion.

By Christian F. Jensen Attorney at Law, Bonner Advokaters, Holte, Denmark

The conclusions of this 75 page report, whereby numerous scientific studies were quoted by Mr Hansen as to the harmful threats posed by EMR, are as follows:

"It is the conclusion of this legal opinion that establishing and activating a 5G-network, as it is currently described, would be in contravention of current human and environmental laws enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, EU regulations, and the Bern- and Bonn-conventions.

The reason is the very significant body of scientific documentation available, showing that radiofrequent electromagnetic radiation is harmful and dangerous to the health of humans (particularly children), animals and plants.

This also applies when the radiation remains within the limits recommended by ICNIRP and currently used in Denmark as well as broadly within the EU.

The exact damaging effects to health from 5G are not known, since the system is not exactly defined, though given the background of the current research on the effects of radiofrequent electromagnetic radiation on, e.g. the bodies of humans and animals, including the provocation of DNA damage and oxidative stress, it appears highly unlikely that it would not lead to similar harm as the current systems, particularly since it is based on the same basic form of radiation.

The Danish state earns considerable amounts licensing the establishment and operation of the communications systems by, inter alia, auctioning off the frequency bands to telecommunications companies who then use the bands to generate billions of profit, which is then taxed."

Yours in Health and Awareness
Concerned Citizen
[email protected]

Wuhan 5G China Mobile, Driverless Smart Motorway Network and Coronavirus: Is there a link?According to an article in  ro...

Wuhan 5G China Mobile, Driverless Smart Motorway Network and Coronavirus: Is there a link?

According to an article in road traffic technology the state owned mobile network, China Mobile, is building a smart 5G highway in Wuhan, China.

The carrier has evidently already installed 31 5G base stations under this project in Wuhan with another 2000 stations being rolled out this year for a total investment of $148.3m USD.

Neurosurgeon Dr Jack Kruse often discusses the risk of bacterial or viral outbreaks in high-density EMF, radiation environments.

Caronavirus outbreak in Wuhan a coincidence?

Yours in health and Awareness
Concerned Citizen
[email protected]

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Assembles Legal Team to Sue FCC over Wireless Health GuidelinesJanuary 21Visiting the Children's Hea...

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Assembles Legal Team to Sue FCC over Wireless Health Guidelines

January 21

Visiting the Children's Health Defense (CHD) website whose chairman is Robert Kennedy Jnr you will read about this pro-active action being taken against the FCC and their antiquated 1996 radiation exposure safety guidelines:


Moreover the CHD website notes the following re the guidelines and what legal action it is now proposing to take against the FCC:

"On December 4, 2019, the FCC adopted an order affirming the adequacy of their 1996 wireless radiation exposure safety guidelines. These guidelines are at the core of the fraud perpetrated on the public that wireless technology is safe. Their guidelines ignore the overwhelming evidence of harm, scientific and human. By adopting and maintaining irrelevant guidelines, the FCC has enabled and forced the uncontrolled proliferation of wireless technology and now 5G. This has led to a growing epidemic of sickness among children and adults, and it has caused harm to animals, plants and the ecosystem at large.
In 2012, the General Accountability Office of Congress published a report, recommending that the FCC reassess its 1996 guidelines. As a result, in 2013, the FCC opened docket 13-84 asking for public comment. This docket was open for 6 years. On December 4, 2019, the FCC officially closed the docket and affirmed the adequacy of its guidelines without proper assessment."

"Now that the docket is closed, we finally have an opportunity to expose the FCC’s fraud by suing the FCC under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). The petition will ask the court to set aside the FCC order, asserting that the order is arbitrary, capricious and an abuse of discretion. The case must be submitted by February 3rd."

[email protected]

Yours in Health and Awareness
Concerned Citizen

5G - It's Going to be Hidden EverywhereA recent article on 5gremedies.com really grabbed my attention re the roll out of...

5G - It's Going to be Hidden Everywhere

A recent article on 5gremedies.com really grabbed my attention re the roll out of 5G and has made me realise I have no conception as to the depth and lengths the telco industry are going to with respect to creating a microwave swamp all of us have to live and work in.

"According to Ericsson "small cells can be installed in existing infrastructure, deploying easily in lamp posts, bus stops, information kiosks, and billboards. They can even be deployed in city manholes – the same ones used for fibre and power conduits. Small cell architectures will become increasingly relevant as operators evolve to the next generation of mobile networks, known as 5G."

"The capacity that will be required is massive and with regard to meeting that capacity and fuelling the projected USD $3000Billion Dollar Gold Rush ( by 2025 ) that is 5G, invested companies such as Ericsson inform visitors to their website that:"

"Current telecoms infrastructure needs to ramp up to address the forecasted tenfold growth in global mobile data traffic (by 2021). This is driving the requirement for increased mobile network densification and small cells. So, operators require more site options, which, in turn, create site acquisition challenges. Site approvals for locations in dense urban environments are getting increasingly difficult, and it is typically a 9-22 month process. Meanwhile, the requirements for camouflage and multi-application sites are continuously increasing.
Ericsson meets these challenges with site solutions that address a variety of expansion and installation options, and our compact radios enable fast and “invisible” deployments leveraging Zero Sites, Street Furniture Sites, and Vault Sites. These enable operators to reduce site rental costs by sharing site space in existing infrastructure. Cities are also becoming increasingly involved in decisions around network infrastructure, as they drive smart city initiatives supporting both mobile broadband for residents and new Internet of Things (IoT) applications."

"Now that statement and the attitude it conveys should cause great alarm for anybody worried about the densification of our air with microwave radiation. Frankly you should be terrified. The plan is to install multilayered transmitters in every single public place in every single city , hamlet , town, village, community that is in someway a feature of the local governance system and thereby the national governance system. Essentially , if it has rateable value, it will be swamped in dense microwaved air. "

If you want to take steps to reduce exposure to this constant microwave radiation for you and your family please visit our website

[email protected]

U.S. Medical Doctors and Scientists Ask Trump for Moratorium on 5G Due to Health Concerns"We call for a moratorium on 5G...

U.S. Medical Doctors and Scientists Ask Trump for Moratorium on 5G Due to Health Concerns

"We call for a moratorium on 5G and any further wireless antenna densification until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from the wireless industry." Read the letter sent to President Trump: https://ehtrust.org/usa-national-5g-resolution/
[email protected]

How EMR impacts your health.The first question is; does EMR actually impact our health, and if so, how? Let me quote Dr ...

How EMR impacts your health.

The first question is; does EMR actually impact our health, and if so, how? Let me quote Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD and founder of the Klinghardt Academy and the American Academy of Neural Therapy, founder and chairman of the Institute for Neurobiology, and lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute.

When interviewed for the World Summit of EMF’s and 5G, he was asked about general health trends and issues in these times, his reply was: “There are only two primary factors that drive chronic illness: One is the Wi-Fi environment; and the other is the agrochemicals, the chemicals used to grow our food. If we could simply control those two factors alone, there would be virtually no chronic illness on this planet. We would have succeeded in eradicating cancer and pretty much all chronic illnesses”. This is a very big statement to make, but when it comes from this highly esteemed and researched doctor and scientist, it carries a great deal of weight.

Let’s look at the first point he made… the WiFi environment we are all bathed in as we go about our daily lives… electro-magnetic radiation (EMR), from the free WiFi at our shopping centres, café’s, restaurants, schools, workplaces and in our homes, to our mobile phones and Bluetooth devices… pretty much everywhere we go we are swimming in this sea of EMR… there are very few places we can go where we can get away from this. Forests give us the best protection as EMR is blocked by the trees and in particular the green leaves. This is why, right now in the UK, they are busily cutting down over 4.5 million old, established trees in all the suburbs of England, to make way for the 5G rollout: this is an outright act of criminal negligence and those who are responsible for this should be held personally liable. An interesting aside is that no insurance company will insure any telecommunications company for the ill effects caused by 5G.

When Dr Klinghardt was asked what he believes will happen once 5G rolls out everywhere, he answered: “Well, in the last 10 years alone, the number one cause of death in women has shifted from cancer to neurological diseases, and 80% of those is from Alzheimer’s disease. Also in the last 10 years, there has been an increase of 663% in women dying from brain-related disorders, which can be directly, linearly connected to our exposure to Wi-Fi. By increasing our exposure, which 5G will certainly bring, and also accelerating the speed of the wavelengths — right now 4G is broadcasting at 2.4 GHz, that’s 2.4 billion hertz or cycles per second, and this is going to be far more than doubled for 5G. The faster the wavelengths, the more information can be piggybacked on them. It is well known in biophysics that the human body is using ranges between 2 billion and 20 billion hertz (2GHz to 20GHz) for the communication systems within our bodies, from modulating our heartbeat to the release of immunoglobulin’s which are the antibodies that play a critical role in our immune response by binding to bacteria and viruses and aiding in their destruction. We are already seeing that the 4G, 2.4 GHz signals have greatly interfered with this, when 5G is deployed, this is absolutely guaranteed to disrupt many of our internal communication systems in our body, which spells chronic illness, chronic fatigue, insomnia and another significant increase in autism in our children. The truly sad thing is that our children will not get a chance to develop normal brains in that environment, they will very likely be born with many disorders and mutations not seen until these times.” A very sobering thought indeed.

But there is something we can do about this impending disaster: it has come down to us having to protect our children and ourselves with EMR blocking materials, from EMR resistant paints and curtains, to clothing and other accessories which incorporate RESIST

fabric. Sadly, our governments are not going to step in and help in any way, nor are they going to wait for independent, unbiased, scientific research, as they are behind this rollout along with the telecommunications industry… which begs the question: Why is this being pushed onto us at such a monumental cost without proper research into the impact on our health? What are your thoughts on this?

[email protected]

Be aware, beware and be well
Thinking Out Loud

ipad the best babysitter?In our most recent post we discussed Dr Devra Davis's presentation at Melbourne University in 2...

ipad the best babysitter?

In our most recent post we discussed Dr Devra Davis's presentation at Melbourne University in 2015 regarding Electro-Magnetic Radiation and phone radiation and their health effects on the human physiology. We would like to continue with our precis of Dr Davis's spellbinding presentation on EMR and mobile phone radiation.

Dr Davis was shocked when she read in the Age that 13% of children aged two can order their own apps on smartphones.

She noted that children won't go to the potty without their ipad.

Parent magazine called the ipad the best babysitter ..."if you need an ipad as a babysitter you need to rethink having children" commented Dr Davis

She understands that you may want to give cranky children an ipad to distract them on a long car trip but she stated " Please put it on airplane mode... don't think you are doing something good for your child when you are handing them a two way microwave radio."

The most shocking revelations for me were photos of a child before and after a 6 minute call on a cellular phone and the extent of the radiation across the child's skull/brain after that time and how far more extensive it was when compared to an adult on a call for the same duration. We have posted the before and after MRI shots for your reference.

And as Dr Davis noted a single 6 minute call is probably ok health wise but it is the cumulative effect of call after call over an extended period ie sustained use over months and years .. we just have no idea as to the damage being done!

Can we afford to continue to stick our collective heads in the sand over EMR and cell phone radiation and its cumulative impact on future generations of our species?

[email protected]

Yours in Health and Awareness
Concerned Citizen

How can you argue with this?My beautiful wife just had me listen to a fascinating youtube video featuring Dr Devra Davis...

How can you argue with this?

My beautiful wife just had me listen to a fascinating youtube video featuring Dr Devra Davis Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah presented to an audience at Melbourne University.

The entire presentation of approximately one hour is well worth the listen however I have a few key takeaways if you don't have that spare hour in your busy lives re the threat posed by EMR , mobile phones, smart phones, 5G etc.

One of the best presentations on the health threats posed by mobile phone radiation by a health professional I have watched I note some of the key points Dr Davis that caught my attention are as follows:

1/ Dr Davis showed a scan of a mobile in a trouser pocket emitting radiation. She noted that the Cleveland Clinic, amongst others, had done tests on the effects of mobile phone radiation and whilst she noted the are many uncertainties in this field there are none concerning the damage to s***m by mobile radiation. Indeed she noted that in the 7th edition of the text book Biostatistics and Medicine it is stated that the link between mobile phone radiation and s***m damage is causal i.e. mobile phone radiation does cause s***m damage.. Of course the obvious extension to that revelation being what about testicular cancer?

Dr Davis stressing that young men have to get their mobiles out of their trouser pockets!

RDKLwear's protecta wallets do block mobile phone radiation up to 30 gigahertz with 99% effectiveness, if young men still need to have their phones on their person.

2/ Dr Davis also mentioned an interesting case study of a Chinese American woman who had her mobile phone in her bra at least 4 hours a day for 10 years having developed tumours in her breast.

The tumours developing precisely under the location of the phone's antenna!

3/ Dr Davis also discussed many interesting points regarding threats to children's health using mobile phones and tablets on their laps as well as the threat posed to unborn fetuses when mothers use tablets and mobiles however that is for another blog at another time.

[email protected]

Yours in Health and Awarness
Concerned Citizen

RDKLwear attended the Stop 5G series of speeches at the Murwillumbah town cinema centre Sunday Dec 1st!The speeches were...

RDKLwear attended the Stop 5G series of speeches at the Murwillumbah town cinema centre Sunday Dec 1st!

The speeches were well attended and thought provoking.

We don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk! Think globally, act locally!

[email protected]

What Are The Real Health Effects Of EMR Exposure?Are the telecommunication industry and government health authorities wi...

What Are The Real Health Effects Of EMR Exposure?

Are the telecommunication industry and government health authorities withholding or stifling vital health information regarding EMR from mobile phones and WiFi? They all seem to offer the same statement: “Although we continuously research this issue, there is no conclusive evidence regarding mobile phone use and human health”. But in a US C-Span Congressional Subcommittee Hearing on the Health Effects of Radio Frequency (RF) and Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR), the question was tabled “How much money has the telecommunication industry spent, to date, on independent and unbiased studies on the health effects of mobile phone usage?” The answer given was “no money whatsoever”. They publicly stated the industry has not spent any money at all on independent studies of the health effects… so where does their former statement spring from? They would appear to be focused solely on profits at the expense of the public at large…

So, what are the health effects, if any? From an 85 page Australian Senate Inquiry Into The Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation of September 2000 (almost 20 years ago), I quote Dr Neil Cherry from the Human Sciences Division of Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand: “I will show you evidence that I assess, using classic public health assessment methods, that (ed) classifies electromagnetic radiation (EMR) as causally associated with cancer, reproductive, neurological & cardiac illness and death. There are two major casualties in this (ed), the truth and public health.” He also stated: “EMR reduces melatonin, which is vital for the health of the immune system, the brain, the heart and every cell, because it is the most potent naturally produced antioxidant that plays a vital protective role to the DNA in every cell. Reduced melatonin causes cancer, miscarriage, heart disease, neurological diseases, viral and bacterial diseases, and death. Both through reducing melatonin and through enhancing free radical activity, EMR is genotoxic, damaging the DNA and chromosomes, causing cancer in exposed populations.” Those “exposed populations” are you, me, our families and our friends… and remember, this was almost twenty years ago, why have we not been told of this? Why has this been acknowledged and then kept from the public for so long?

Dr Neil Cherry further stated: “Intense chromosome damage of fetuses by microwaves causes prompt miscarriage. Less intense chromosome damage… such as is caused by Radio Frequency waves (RF), causes fetal damage, congenital malformation, still birth, cot death, etc…
Neurological effects can be experienced over minutes, hours, days and months, but over years of exposure, this means long-term memory loss, and neurological diseases such as Epilepsy, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease, and sudden death from violent epileptic seizures.
The heart is similar, with short-term problems with cardiac arrhythmia, missed heart beats, and sudden death from heart attacks.
Cancer is a chronic disease problem from accumulated genetic cell damage. Latencies (the time between exposure and the effects to be evidenced) for children and soft tissue cancers are as short as a few years, for most cancers they take 10 to 40 years to develop.”

This is only one out of many thousands of doctors and scientists the world over who have stood up and told the harsh truth, disregarding the consequences to their own careers.

I feel very disheartened at these disclosures, especially when these health issues have been so well known for at least the last twenty years. We absolutely must take this into our own hands and demand our governments re-evaluate the consequences of these modern-day technological diseases, we must also work to reduce our exposure to these EMR fields by protecting ourselves any way we can…

Our health is in our hands.

In health and awareness
Thinking Out Loud

[email protected]

French health authority warns of health risks of EMR particularly to our children! The Sante Publique of France released...

French health authority warns of health risks of EMR particularly to our children!

The Sante Publique of France released their findings as to incidence of cancer and related mortality in the French metro areas in July 2019 in a report titled "Estimations nationales de l'incidence et de la mortalité par cancer en France métropolitaine entre 1990 et 2018" translated "Summary - National estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in metropolitan France between 1990 and 2018"

Their findings leap out at you particularly concerning Glioblastoma the most aggressive form of cancer which starts within the brain noting that the incidences of this highly virulent brain cancer had increased fourfold (400%) over the 30 year period!

Dr Annie Sasco, cancer epidemiologist, former Director of Research Unit at IARC-WHO: stressed "it is our absolute duty to protect children and young people".

Further Dr Sasco commented "The evolution of incidence and mortality rates of central nervous system tumors as a whole and especially glioblastoma over the past 30 years is of particular concern. Of course, diagnostic behaviours have evolved and play a role, especially for older people. Nevertheless, there is a real increase, even among the youngest, for whom it is likely that diagnostic modalities have changed less than among the elderly and which may therefore be linked to environmental factors and primarily to the use of mobile or wireless phones. Informing the public should make it possible not to continue on this upward trajectory, especially among young people, with an absolute duty to protect children by not allowing them to use a cellular phone and in general by protecting them from exposure to electromagnetic fields“.

We at RDKLwear believe every parent should consider, at the very least, getting each of their children our Protecta anti-EMR wallets to reduce the EMR exposure their children receive on a day to day basis from their smartphones and to minimise the health risks posed by smart phones/wifi technology to our most susceptible.

[email protected]

Yours in Health and Awareness

Concerned Citizen

Weaponisation of Space.Yet another example of how technology can turn against humanity, is the 5th Generation of mobile ...

Weaponisation of Space.

Yet another example of how technology can turn against humanity, is the 5th Generation of mobile and computer connectivity, innocuously labeled 5G.

Are faster downloading times and the ability to watch movies at lightening speeds worth the, now well established, long term health consequences that 5G ushers in? There are a growing number of renowned doctors and scientists the world over stating that “5G does indeed pose a very serious health hazard, not only to humans, but to every life form from whales to bacteria”. The venerable magazine Scientific American has stated that 2G, 3G, 4G, and now 5G, all remain a major health threat to life on this planet as we know it… but still these warnings fall on deaf ears in the quest for global telecommunication dominance by the world ‘powers that be’.

Brussels has banned 5G until this health threat is proven otherwise, as have a growing number of nations throughout the world… these countries obviously have their citizen’s wellbeing in mind… so the question must be asked… Why are we being forced to accept an acknowledged threat to our health, all under the guise of faster internet speeds?

One year ago this month, November 2018, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorised Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, to launch a fleet of over 7,500 satellites, this in addition to a smaller fleet of 4,425 SpaceX satellites authorised earlier by the FCC, all of which will orbit the Earth at heights between 340 kilometres to 1,200 kilometres, all set to bathe us in frequencies between 3.5 GHz up to and far exceeding 30 GHz, the patents state up to 300 GHz and beyond, which are microwave frequencies and are VERY dangerous to us as they can, and have been in the past, used as “crowd-control weapons”. These new SpaceX fleets will constitute a massive increase in the number of satellites in the skies above us, and a correspondingly massive increase in the radiation beamed down onto all upon Earth… and this SpaceX satellite fleet is just one of several fleets that are due to be launched in the next few years, all serving the same purpose ‘providing global broadband services’ for all of us. The expected grand total of 5G-enabled satellites orbiting Earth by 2022, will be far in excess of 20,000.

Is this all a continuation of former actor and US president, Ronald ‘Raygun’ Reagan’s “Star Wars” programme proposed in the mid 1980’s? Is this yet another scheme of the USA to militarise and weaponise space? It would seem to fit the bill perfectly… it has thousands of satellites positioned above every nation on Earth, under the auspices of “fast internet for everyone”… is the USA that generous? Has any government EVER been generous to any nation other than itself? In my memory, no, not without conditions! There is always an underlying agenda: usually to steal the resources of a nation and/or to change an “undesirable” leader to one that is more amenable to its ongoing plan of military dominance and corporate takeover… Do what journalists used to do, follow the money.
We have not been asked if we wish for any of this to occur. We have been told this is what is happening, period! No discussion! No thought for our health! No option! Just a bunch of platitudinous and spurious ‘authoritative governing bodies’ telling us “nothing to worry about, it’s safe for everyone, trust us”. Well, I for one do NOT trust these corporate-sponsored and government-run ‘authorities’. Their track record is abysmal at best. They are corporate public relations outlets writing the ‘scientific findings’ for public ingestion…

Would we acquiesce to sticking our head into a microwave oven and turning it on… I would say emphatically no, not something that you or I would do, voluntarily at least… I suggest we would state unequivocally NO and put up such a fight that they would have to back down… but we have NOT been asked… most have taken it sitting down, in front of the TV, drinking their beer or wine and believing everything they’re told, mentally somnambulated…
I for one do not feel comforted by anything that threatens the long term health of ANY human being on this planet, even if touted as safe by those who have anything BUT our health in mind.

I have a son, and I would like him to enjoy a long and prosperous life, not one plagued by health issues, all for faster movies, oh, and of course corporate data-harvesting.
Be aware, beware, and be well…

[email protected]

Yours in Health and Awareness
Thinking Out Loud

Does EMR have an negative impact on plants?I have just watched with great interest a video of an inspirational teacher w...

Does EMR have an negative impact on plants?

I have just watched with great interest a video of an inspirational teacher with his students conducting an innovative experiment on wifi and its impact on plants.

I won't spoil the video for you titled " Pioneers of Science - Part 1" sufficed to say I was not surprised with the results in the least!

What was a surprise to me was of all of the students who were asked as to how they predicted the experiment would go , with one notable exception, they were all of the opinion that the wifi would have zero impact on the plants...which clearly demonstrates how our young ones are oblivious to the effects of wifi and EMR on living organisms. We humans are living organisms too.

[email protected]

Yours in Health and Awareness
Concerned Citiizen

This is "Pioneers Of Science - Part 1" by Smooth Feather on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

How can you protect yourself and your family against 5G?Let's face facts 5G is going to be everywhere. None of us on thi...

How can you protect yourself and your family against 5G?

Let's face facts 5G is going to be everywhere.

None of us on this planet will be able to escape its effects..its silent, unseen, deadly effects.

And now we have scientists the world over warning about the health risks 5G poses indeed over 180 scientists and doctors from 40 countries are warning about the health risks posed by 5G. These scientists' response to "Resolution 1815 of the council of Europe" spells it out in no uncertain terms:

“We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

What can you do to protect you and your family from 5G?

A recent article in Gaia suggested a number of actions we can take to counter the health risks posed by 5G and EMR/EMF generally... the strength of our immune systems of course being our most primary focus.

"Here are a few ideas to give you a fighting chance:

Do not live near a cell tower or mini station.

Purchase an EMF shield, and continue to measure the levels of radiation within 100 feet of your home." (RDKLwear's Radvest is a great way to shield yourself from EMR up to 60 Gigahertz)

Eat healthily and take immune-boosting supplements.

Spend lots of time in the forest.

Refrain from using your cell phone for long periods, including never keeping your cell phone in your bedroom.

When traveling with your cell phone, store it in an EMF protective bag".(RDKLwear's Protecta wallet is a great way to block EMR/EMF hitting your body when travelling with your cellphone and also being able to protect your privacy ie credit card and bank details, phone details, being tracked and surveilled etc)

"Consider purchasing some Orgonite, which reportedly scatters electromagnetic fields and turns them into beneficial ones. Dr. Wilhelm Reich developed this unique composite.

Continually educate yourself about the wireless industry and the global government support of this insane endeavor.

Remain strong, stay out of fear and continue to improve your vibration through positive thinking, forgiveness, and increased attention toward your mental, emotional and physical health."

[email protected]

Yours in Health and Awareness
Concerned Citizen



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