I Deserve!
I AM Graduating College
Class of 2025
Applying for assistance since November, to pay my ConEd Bill.
Also, it really would have been nice to know this a while back. I Had at least a $1 in my checking account last week; I've been emailing about this application since November.
I am 60, permanently disabled, living on a fixed monthly SS DI benefit since 2012 and I became permanently disabled in 2011. I lost my last employment in 2009. I paid into SS for 32 years.
I am currently a College Student, with a current $1500.00 tuition debt I need to clear up by April.
SS Ticket to Work says I may be able to go back to work after I graduate; with my 1st college degree, after 9 prior schools; I'm an online student.
I have other bills, rent, mobile services, lots of prior medical expenses due to Covid, long haul covid, almost dying after 2 seizures in 2021, and SS takes $174.00 each Month, since 2013, out of my benefits.
I still have ER, HOSPITAL, AMBULANCE, P*P and SPECIALIST co-pays and debts, have to do laundry outside and the Only reduction I receive in NY is a reduced Metro Card. Otherwise, I pay for Everything like you do, like I had a full time job, in NYC!
I am doing my absolute very best!
I have 6-8 disabilities, which include 2 Mild TBIs sustained in 1998, 2001, which essentially means for me, if I don't write it down, I forget it. I have short-term irreparable memory loss from these 2 Mild TBIs alone, plus severe Dental, Medical, Spousal, Sexual Molestation and Harrassment PTSD from age 4 - 50!
I forget at times to pay my bills, which aren't autopay. My mobile/phone service has been cut off 4 times since November.
I turned 60 on November 8th. I was to receive my monthly SSDI for that month on the 8th. I had to get a paper check that month because I was between banks and so had no direct deposit; my accounts at Capital One got hacked that summer.
Well, my November 8th paper check was stolen and cashed, ON my 60th birthday. Food Pantry was my only grocery option that month. I finally got a replacement check on November 20th. I was already behind on all my debts.
I have a CBT therapist and a great Student Success Coach at my college, and I am grateful. When you're disabled, unemployed, family looks the other way, and I haven't had any friend since 2013!
I am set to graduate in 2025, optimistically, or 2026 at the latest. I am praying to the universe that I succeed because I still have unfulfilled goals, I am still young, and I refuse to die poor, living in a homeless shelter in NYC.
I contributed so much as a vested J&J employee, 1985-1998, with my intellectual property and global
invention, worth $547M per annum, from 1991 at J&Js Ortho-Pharmaceuticals, which I will never see because I'm Black, Female, Gifted without a degree and Neurodivergent on the Sprectrum My IQ is 138.
I am still in college and will never stop because I want to make sure that what happened to me, at birth and throughout my life, doesn't happen to anyone else.
I am a failed chemical abortion, performed at St. Mary's Hospital in the Spring of 1963. Born 8 weeks premature on November 8, 1963, incubated 8 weeks before being brought home in 1964!
I've been disabled since birth and today, live with 6-8 disabilities and still contributed greatly to this country, all in all, for a total of 36 years.
I volunteered, 1998-2016! Grassroots politics and advocacy, for people like me; specifically 2007-2016 when former President Obama started running for president.
I have done alot and I am still not done. GOD willing, I am Graduating from college next year. Otherwise, my life and surviving being aborted was all for nothing. I deserve a Chance too!