A powerful Practice pulls you through
Sewing, shops & growing in confidence #sacredsewing #customising #vintage #clothesforwomen #SustainableFashion Sustainable Style UN Sustainable Development Platform
Doing these simple adjustments are going to be part of my magical #Diva #Day retreat 🙏
So bring along things that don’t work or need restyling to really accentuate the best possible you when you wear them 💫
DM or head to my Linktree (in bio) to find out more!
#sacredsewing #sewingtips #customised #uniquepieces #individuality #oneofakind #keypieces #vintagestyle #sustainablestyle #SustainableClothing #upcycling #fashionforaging #fashioninspo #wastetolove
#stitchh #lovetolife #reloved #reuse #bespoke #bespoketextile #wrapdress
Seek and you shall find…Preloved style in Somerset 😍
Ever been curious to discover the ancient towns of Somerset?
Now sharing more dates for our unique town tours to discover the best #preloved & #vintage finds whilst browsing the streets 💫
Making it an introductory treat to the towns #Bath, #Glastonbury & #Wells…
#designerfashion #reuse #Relove #secondhandfashion #sustainableclothing #sustainablestyle #fashionlover #foraging #upcycling #uniquestyle #preowned #couture #wastetowealth #zerowastefashion #repurposed #REDUCED
Interesting to hear at the Blue 🌎 Summit last week that brands such as #Rapha and #HiutDenim offer a free repair service on their products.. #unitedrepaircentre are making their mark on the fashion industry.
This is what I loved about the @theknittingandstitchingshows creating demos and sharing workshops… It demonstrated sustainability in action #showingnottelling Feels good to know that I’m on the same track as many other companies with upcycling and repairing their old beloved garments..
Oh and I loved @tiffaniedarke #stubstack blog….Empowering women with #sacredsewing #remakersmovement #charityshoptours
Exactly what #writer #VerityRidgman
& I are Co-creating a book 📚 around….watch this space! 💫
#reuse #reloved #repairing #upcycled #customised #sustainablestyle #sustainablefashion #uniquestyle #bespoke #oneofakind #sustainability #recycle
Hi ladies!
Another week !
I’ll be Sharing so of the marvellous projects from last weeks Sacred Sewing 🪡 Circle / such emerging talent - and adornments to otherwise unworn waste clothing!
But here’s a little video on our new Sewing Circle! It’s on line so show up and sew & go slow…
Tomorrow is at 7pm for more marvellous making - to book a bulk or individual ticket 🎫 join on www.KatieYoung.co
#sacredsewing & soul partner in business update! #upcycling #thetextiletouch #customisingclothes #customized #customising #designer #designerwithsoul #sustainablefashion @bespoketextiles #sustainableliving #unique #uniqueuniforms
Natural beauty 🪴that’s all we meant to be….
I had a blast 💥 with these lovely ladies #customising scarves into tops in the sunshine of Portman square in partnership with #Bakerstreetquarter & collaborators. The creativity and talent of techniques to create #uniquestyle for each and everyone was brilliant to see & everyone brushed up on #sewing 🧵skills.
More coming soon watch this space for #sacredsewingcircles
Huge thank you to Beyond Retro for sponsoring with some #vintage scarves.
Search #thetextiletouch on Obby - Rethink Learning for more inspiration on types of workshops in demand for more #sustainablestyle #workshops & inspiration on my passion for customising #prelovedfashion fashion into stunning unique creations
Carole Powell #creativity #talent #learning #inspiration
Mural of coolness & real #beauty #JamaicanRum #brixton #marketrow
#Charityshoptours amazing #vintage cardigan with #lace is such #rarefind #CancerResearchMarylebone
C H A R I T Y SHOP x T R E A S U R E S x Guided tour! Find unique, exquisite pieces that suit you or can be tweaked for you…..
Who wants to join Marylebone or Clapham coming up on the next 2 Fridays. I will help you find styles that suit you that make magic happen with a new mix in your wardrobe & a passion for #expensive #sustainablefashion #clothing that won’t cost the #earth ! Love and light 💡 Katie x I can’t wait! #secondhandstyle #sustainablestyleexpert
Oxfam Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Barnardo's #VVRouleaux #marylebone #claphamcommon #londonfashion #londonevents