This Easter Monday 🐣
📍Parklaan, Rotterdam
⏱11.00 - 17.30
It will be the first time for Suay to join the Swan Market and (with the upcoming weather forecast) we couldn’t be happier! ☀️🧴
This will be an opportunity for you to feel the softness and quality of our organic clothing! 🌿🌱
Can’t wait to meet you!
#suayhype #swanmarket #parklaan #rotterdam #duurzamekleding #kleineondernemer #chillout #duurzaamheid #shoppen #pasen #tweedepaasdag #zonnetje
Which one is your favourite colour?
#suayhype #shaka #peaceout #allcolours #brightenyourday #beanie #muts #kledingwinkel #surfbrand
September = release month. We have been printing some design for over a year now 🚀 and although we still always get really nice feedback about the designs from you, we feel like having a full new collection.🔅Follow our IG and check out our website to see all the new stuff coming! (+ the left over longsleeves & shirts from the current collection will be in sale soon)
It’s a suay of life!
#suayhype #surfstyle #strandleven #kleding #longsleeve #duurzaam
September = release month. We have been printing some design for over a year now 🚀 and although we still always get really nice feedback about the designs from you, we feel like having a full new collection.🔅Follow our IG and check out our website to see all the new stuff coming! (+ the left over longsleeves & shirts from the current collection will be in sale soon)
It’s a suay of life!
#suayhype #surfstyle #strandleven #kleding #longsleeve #duurzaam
🌟Jumping into the weekend 🌟
Flores is the Portuguese word for 🌼 flowers 🌼! We named this shirt after the beautiful island Flores in Indonesia where there is less tourism and the people are super humble and sweet!
#suayhype #zomercollectie #flores #reizen #bloemen #duurzaam #duurzaamondernemen #lekkerlekker #summeroflove #limitedstock #organiccottonclothing #zalm #travelclothing
Get 15% discount (HAPPYSUAYDAY15) on everything on the website until 23.59 today!
One year ago we started with the pre-orders today. We were amazed by the orders coming in at Instagram DM.
Louis @sampreaprinting printed the whole week to get more longsleeves. We run to the Hema to buy an order book, and found out just in time that it’s possible to send a tikkie link by IG. When we heard our rolled up shirts didn’t fit in the post boxes of people and a lot of people had to pay extra fee to PostNL, we first freaked out. Now we can really laugh about it all these beginner problems.
However after hearing everybody so happy with their first suay, we got the confident to go on and on. Now with the website in the air, everything is so much more relaxed!
After a year we still love what we are doing and we can’t wait to make more nice colour combinations on longsleeve and t-shirts for this summer.
Thanks for all the nice reactions, your enthusiasm and support ✌🏼