Cool dude and baller on a budget vibes only 😎
Look and feel like a million bucks for just $2.99 per garment.
#dryclean #drycleaning #drycleaner #drycleaners #laundry #laundryday #laundryhacks #laundryservice #laundrytime
And if you don’t feel this way about YOUR clean clothes, you just might need a little ZIPS in your life. At ZIPS we know that every garment is a declaration of self, and we’ll take care of every piece you bring us.
#dryclean #drycleaner #drycleaners #drycleaning #clothesline #clothesaddict #designerclothes #gymclothes #clotheslover
Ain't nothin gonna break our stride
DON’T LET LAUNDRY SLOW YOU DOWN 🙅 Keep your stride with some freshly pressed clothes. #humpday #happyhumpday #dogsoffacebook #dogsofinsta #dryclean #drycleanonly #ootd
ZIPS Fresh and Clean
Clothes so fresh and clean -just back from ZIPS- you'll want to sleep in them too.
#StaffordVA #StaffordCounty #NOVA #321ZIPS #ZIPS #laundry #drycleaning #drycleaningservice #laundryservice #drycleaners #drycleaner #cleaninghacks #laundryday #cleanclothes #cleanlaundry #dryclean
💛 ZIPS is here.
One of those days? We get it. That's why we're here to do the laundry, so you can go take that well-deserved nap.
#StaffordVA #StaffordCounty #NOVA #ZIPS #laundry #dryclean #drycleaningservice #laundryservice #drycleaners #drycleaner #laundryday #somuchlaundry #oneofthosedays
ZIPS Cleaners. Convenient. Affordable. Fast.
It used to be your chore. Now it's ours.
#StaffordVA #StaffordCounty #NOVA #321ZIPS #ZIPS #laundrymat #drycleaning #dryclean #drycleaningservices #drycleanersnearme #drycleaningservice #drycleaningservices #laundryservice #drycleaners #drycleaner #laundryhacks #laundryday #laundryservices #laundrylife #laundryshop
Stains happen. Here are useful tips from ZIPS Stafford with the best ways to handle stains on dry clean items most effectively.
Bring your stains to us, at 53 Doc Stone Rd, Stafford, Virginia 22556... we can tackle them!
#StaffordVA #StaffordCounty #NOVA #StainsHappen